It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to....

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to....


About a week ago, CPS comes a knockin' on our door. For all of you who don't know, either an in-law aunt with paranoid schizophrenia or a disgruntled CPS worker from Texas reported us here. I tend to think it was the aunt because the "report" included no food in the house, and holes in the floor. WELL, said aunt came to Kentucky with her sister for a family reunion. They both, unasked AND unneeded, brough us nearly a carful of food. We have at more than one time been rather thin in terms of food supply BUT MY CHILDREN HAVE NEVER GONE HUNGRY! And the "holes in the floor" were two floor vents that were missing when we moved in. Not that I'm not grateful for the food, but c'mon!

Anyway, one lady comes out the first time. NO I.D.!!!!! She seems human so we let her in (I know, DUMB DUMB DUMB). Then she says she will come back in a couple of days. We were all feeling like cow cookies on that day, so I called and asked if she could come another day. I left a message as she was not in, could we reschedule for the next Friday. Friday comes and goes. 6-8 weeks come and go.

About a week and a half ago, two different CPS ladies come knocking on the door. I was out with Brian on a nature walk (we homeschool) at the time. When we got back, I heard the WONDERFUL news that they were closing the case! On Monday (or tuesday) of this last week, the first lady comes back with another woman, and they were RUDE, ASSUMPTIVE and HOLIER-THAN-THOU. The 2nd lady said things like "Well, he (meaning our son Brian) just seems happy to see other people," like homeschooling is keeping him tied up in a cave and never letting him see the light of day. Maybe she should contact those people with the "glowing reports" from Social Services, who kept their foster children (i.e. state-subsidized) in wooden cages painted BRIGHT PRIMARY COLORS. *sheesh*

The thing that got me the most....we mentioned that they did not have the "right" to enter without a court order. She said they could go right now and get the police. I said even the police did not have the right to enter a private home without a court order, and I knew this because I used to transcribe reports for the FWPD. She said, "Well, this is Kentucky, not Texas." I suppose this woman, who thinks she can care for my children better than I can (because that IS their implication), has never heard of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (the 4th Amendment being part of the Bill of Rights) know the "unreasonable search and seizure". So we told them we were contacting a lawyer.

So what about the ladies who told us that our case was closed? Apparently since they weren't our "assigned" agent, she did not have the authority to close the case.

So, Chris and I are going CRAZY after that "bad cop" set of agents came out. We were calmer the next day because these ladies were HUMAN. We actually wound up letting them in. She wants to come back one day this week...just to make sure things are still ok. There was a bag of garbage sitting by the back door that would've gone out later in the day and she needs to make sure it's not still sitting there. And we need to spruce up the back room (where the children are not allowed to go) because it's where Gabby had her pups and where ten puppies have been living for a month...need I say more?

Speaking of puppies, Gabby had TEN. We moved them out to the barn because they were just too darned big to stay back there anymore. Well, one of them (the runt) got injured and on Saturday..we had to have it put to sleep. We haven't told the kids yet, and there are so many puppies, if you don't like line them up and count them, it's easy to miss one. Frankly I don't know what I'm going to tell them. I, myself, am heartbroken. I stayed home with the kids while it was going on and Chris was with the puppy. He's pretty torn up about it too. Said he's been having nightmares. So, if you've got razzes for the dog not being spayed or whatever...please save them for another time.

Oh, and Sunday (Oct 2) was more birthday.


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